Organic Tick Control
Throughout New England there is a prevalence of two types of ticks that are primary vectors of disease, the deer tick, Ixodes scapularis, (Lyme Disease, human babesiosis, and human anaplasmosis) and the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever). When asked to “do tick control” or “spray for ticks,” the goal is to limit […]

Is your landscape ready for a hurricane?
Knowing what actions you should take, you can reduce the effects of a hurricane. 20 Action items you can implement before, during and after any natural disaster.

Marlborough Works! Job Fair
Gardens Are has once again been selected to represent local businesses with career opportunities to job-seekers at the “Marlborough Works” Job Fair, being held at the Courtyard by Marriott. Developed by the mayor’s office, the Marlborough Economic Development Corporation, and Quinsigamond Community College, the jobs initiative is a first of its kind in the region […]

First Advice
When I took my first job at a farm/nursery, I received advice almost immediately from a farmhand that to me looked to be at least 90 years of age—in all likelihood he was probably in his 30s or 40s. He was slight and I do not remember if he had teeth or not, but his […]

Protecting Plants from Cold Weather Damage
When it comes to protecting ornamental plants from winter damage here in the Northeast, we are concerned with the structure of the plant and potential water loss through transpiration.

Gardens Are Selected for Project REV
Gardens Are, Inc., a full-service landscape company and pioneer in organic land care, has been chosen to receive $15,000 of marketing products and services from Deluxe Corporation.